The cases we have specifically identified represent only a small number of the many cases we have handled. We have represented clients in the following kinds of cases: administrative claims, assault and battery, automobile accidents, aviation accidents, boating accidents, burn injuries, Coast Guard investigations, commercial litigation, constitutional law claims, contract claims, construction accidents, construction claims, electrical injuries, employment disputes, fire claims, hospital liability, insurance coverage, insurance bad faith, insurance regulatory issues, legal malpractice, legal ethics, legislative issues, State Medical Board investigations, municipal liability, medical malpractice, personal injury, police officer liability, premises liability, product liability, road design and maintenance, sexual harassment, sexual assault, slip and fall claims, trucking accidents and wrongful termination.

Many of these cases were resolved to the satisfaction of our clients through early and creative negotiation. Others were resolved through the use of alternative dispute resolution proceedings such as mediation, arbitration or judicial settlement conferences. Many cases were dismissed through motion practice or by agreement of the other party. Our reputation and experience frequently allow us to reach an early, favorable result for our clients.